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Affiliate Marketing in 2020 📈 Step-by-Step Beginners Guide

Welcome to the affiliate, marketing training. This is by far the most comprehensive affiliate, marketing, tutorial I’ve ever produced and it’s 100 % free here on YouTube which means there’s no sales. Pitch coming I don’t have an affiliate marketing course to sell. You there’s no webinar to register for I’m giving you 100 % of the information you need to build and grow a successful affiliate marketing business on a budget.

Now I’m gonna keep this focused on how to do this on an absolute bootstrapped budget, because that’s how my wife and I first started with $ 100 investment. We’Ve built a multi-million dollar website and you’re gon na learn that process, but you’re also gon na learn where you can potentially invest funds to potentially speed it up. So this is great for beginners and it’s also great for intermediate marketers, really looking to scale an affiliate marketing business.

Now, there’s one overarching key that we have to talk about before we get into the nuts and bolts and we’re gon na jump on the computer. I’M gon na actually show you where to find the the step-by-step tutorials the bits and pieces that will make each one of these steps fill out and I’ve got a cheat sheet here. That’S pretty long! That’S going to keep us detailed, organized and efficient getting through. All of this so number one that first overarching thing is that perseverance and resourcefulness on your end is 100 % required for your success.

There is no guru out there who’s going to save you. There is no pre-made pre-done done for you thing. That’S going to save you, there is no special niche out there that if you figure that one out it’s going to get easy, this takes a lot of work. Is the ultimate truth here and I’m gon na tell you step by step what it takes, but you’re going to have to be persistent you’re gon na have to push through when things get really really difficult when you’ve been working on this for months and months on End and it doesn’t feel like anything – is going on that usually means you’re on the verge of breaking through, but unfortunately that’s when most people quit.

So that’s where perseverance comes in and then resourcefulness. You are undoubtedly going to get to a point in time where you’re confused about how does this connect to that or how does this work with that and you’re gon na have to go to Google or you’re gon na have to go to YouTube and you’re gon Na have to search for how to do that thing. That’S resourcefulness and I’m gon na show you a bunch of my videos that will fill in all of these gaps, but just no doubt you’re gon na get to a point where, like I don’t know how to figure this out, it’s in a paid course. It’S out there for free, you just have to dig in and figure it out. So really that’s the core of this. Now you got to remember that all of the other internet marketers all of the other individuals working in this world. Some of them are working more aggressively they’re, putting in more time and they’re more strategic than you are, and all that means is that they have a bit of a head start on you. You can do this today is the perfect time to start this business and the model.

You’Re learning is essentially the same model. I’Ve been using for over ten years, affiliate marketing, now, how does it work? What what is affiliate marketing? Obviously, you get a special link from a vendor when someone clicks on your special link and they purchase you receive a commission, but to think of it in that lens is short-sighted. You’Re missing the key point: affiliate marketing works when you help other people get what they’re searching for I’m gon na say it again, because that’s so damn important, you earn income by helping people get what they’re searching for okay, if there’s a busy mom at home, who Now is working from home when she used to go to an office.

Her kids are now at home because she’s now home study, teaching them and she can’t go and get food on her way home every night, she’s learning to cook and she realizes she has shitty kitchen knives and she wants to learn how to get better knots. And she needs better nights, but she doesn’t know anything about kitchen knives, so she goes to Google and she searches for the best kitchen knives, for whatever her situation is whatever she thinks of. In that moment, she searched as a phrase she finds a blog post. That reviews the different ones if she trusts the blog post. If she clicks on the blog post, if that title compels her to click and she trusts it she’s gon na click through and buy, because it goes to Amazon she’s already, Prime member anyway, she knows it’ll be there in a couple of days. That’S when affiliate marketing works is when we think about our audience members. We put our audience. Members needs first.

So if you’ve tried affiliate marketing in before and you didn’t make any money or you’re trying it now you’re not making any money, you’re thinking mom, I’m not making any money which I hear all the time that just means you’re not reaching enough people and you’re not Helping enough people, when you focus on the audience first, everything seems to fall into place from there, so their goals their problems, their challenges. What they’re going on in their life becomes your problem and your challenge and we spend our time as affiliate marketers learning.

All of the bits and pieces under the world of kitchen knives, for example, but it could be anything knitting, crocheting, lawn care, yard care guarding, doesn’t matter what it is. We take the time to learn and go through, and research and review and put out together the most comprehensive, the best post on that topic, so when they find it, they can read it wow. This makes sense. I trust them. I like this boom, I’m in I’m out it’s easy. I’M back to my crying kids. I had 47 seconds to get this down before the kids come out and boom. I got it done, okay, so that’s what we’re actually facilitating here when they find you when they click on you when they trust you, that’s when you succeed as an affiliate marketer. So if you’re not making enough money, it’s one of those things. So that’s number three. We are now into number four and we’re starting to get into the nitty-gritty. I’M gon na cross these first ones off, so I can keep organized so we’re talking about the niche.

At this point, choosing your niche, which I know for many people, is the most difficult part and we’re gon na look at on the computer here set ways to shortcut this, but also I want you to remember. First, before we get there, you’re not married to your niche forever, you can build a site and sell it. There’S a wonderful second-hand market for built websites for cash flow, positive websites. You can evolve niches, the the first products and things my wife and I started selling on her website, we’re doing something very different, but we’re still being of service. To that same audience, and really I think that the idea of what’s my niche is short-sighted and I think, when you’re thinking about what is, who is my person? Who is my audience? Member? Who is this underserved audience out there that I can go, create content for and and help them save time and help them find what they’re? Looking for that’s when you’re gon na get it right?

Empathy is really important to really get in the shoes of that mom who’s, not working at home, with her kids and so on and so forth. You probably understand what I mean. So how do you figure out what your niche is now there’s a lot of ways about this. I’Ve got a whole niche. How to choose your niche series here on YouTube, but the best way, I think, is to go. Look at what pre-made premade affiliate sites are. Being sold, let me say that another way, because it’s kind of a tongue twister, so there’s companies out there that pre make affiliate sites they build them out. They give you the basics of a website and they’ll sell it to you for a thousand two thousand ish dollars in between that range.

I’Ve bought one of these before you don’t need to buy it. That’S not what I’m saying to do. I’M saying go. Look at the niches that they are creating sites in because they’ve done the niche research for you. So let’s jump on the computer for part 1. How do you do that so first place? I want you to go, is miles Beckler com forward, slash web sites. Now, when this loads, this is where I bought my affiliate case study site the orange button that says view sites, that’s what you want to click on and now you’re gon na look below. They have already revenue generating websites which means they’ve been building these for a while and they’re cashflow, positive baby products and hunting interesting. You can actually go view the websites right here on their website. Then they have supreme sites. These are their their higher-end web sites.

Drawing coffee makers running gear, ok, spotting scopes, generators, gardening, interesting and then they have standard sites, baseball, gloves, airsoft guns maracas. So this goes on and on – and this is ever changing right. There they’re always making new ones, they’re selling them – and you can go through these. You know what I did. I literally went to this website in the back of an uber. When I was on my way to his speaking engagement, I was paid to go, speak and teach Facebook advertising to a group of entrepreneurs, and I decided with my team. It was time for me to just choose a random niche that I kind of knew something about, but was definitely not an expert in and build it out. So I spent $ 1,200 and what I got for the $ 1,200 through them and I’m gon na fill. It for them – and I’m probably an affiliate for everything you’re gon na – hear a link to, but you don’t need to buy anything. That’S just a full disclosure for you. What I got was a logo, a basic theme and about 8 posts of content. Cost me 1,200 bucks. It saved me a bunch of time.

Mainly it saved me from thinking what niche are we going to go into? I just scrolled through and I chose one. I chose one that I had an affinity for now. I want you to think when you’re choosing your niche and you’re looking around for niche ideas. What do you have a bunch of in your house already that you could potentially review what are the things that you’ve bought? Multiple loves because you’re kind of addicted to buying more of those things we all have them. Woodworkers are addicted to buying woodworking tools. For example, gardeners are addicted to buying weeding tools, knitters are addicted to buying yarn, etc, etc. So what is that thing for you um?

What could you explain, someone how it works relatively easily, so as you’re going through these lists of these pre-made affiliate websites just be thinking about, like I kind of know, a little bit about that like okay, I could see researching and working on that if you’re just Now, starting gardening and you’re gon na go all-in on gardening, and you know for the next 2-3 years of your life, you’re gonna be gardening. That’S a really great area to focus if you’ve committed to weight loss and that’s where your those are the types of areas where you can so the number one place where you can go, learn about potentially profitable niches that you can go into is by looking at That website that I showed you miles better calm for such websites, but there’s more of them and with your resourcefulness, you can go, find probably five to ten different companies that build premade or are selling affiliate websites, and you can look through the different niches that they’ve Gone and just choose something: you’re not married to it. You can always sell it.

Pivot, adapt in the future when it’s something that’s kind of an alignment was something you enjoy something you’re gon na be working on anyways. It gets a lot easier to talk about over and over and over in time. Now I want to show you a quick video that goes through with the 55 niche example video. So, if you’re on YouTube type in 5/5, niche ideas, comma miles Beckler and what you’re gon na find is this video here psychologies marketing secrets and 55 niche market ideas? I go on a roll and I talk about how some niches are more advantageous because they’re more important to more people right now, we’re kind of in a unique time in our world where people are spending less money on frilly things. They don’t necessarily need and they’re spending a lot more money on things that they actually need, and this goes into the psychology behind that and I highly recommend it so just searching in niche ideas, Myles Becker will help you find it if you need more on that Topic, that’s where you go to get more now we’re gon na move on, because I think ultimately, you just have to choose a niche and start moving forward.

What you’re doing here, when you’re building your first or your second affiliate website, and I only recommend you build one at a time until you have mastered this game? Is your skill building there’s a number of different learning curves that you’re going to go through as a digital entrepreneur, you’re gon na learn digital marketing, writing skills, project management skills so, while you’re building this first site you’re learning these very, very valuable skills that can help You in ways in your life that you may not fully understand from where you are now and always as you’re going through those.

I want to remind you one more time about the importance of the audience. Who is that individual? Where are they at in their life? If you are a lefty – and you know that the world has a of left-handed products – and you just want to go in all in on your lefty people, because that’s what you live and you know their pains, you know their fears, you know their frustrations and you Can connect with that? It’S a great way for you to leverage that empathy of understanding what they are going through. Okay, I remember how difficult it was to build my first business online. I remember how annoying it was when everybody wanted to charge me. Four hundred. Ninety seven dollars or nine ninety seven or two thousand dollars for a course from a guru that was sold through a free webinar. That was a sales pitch. I remember that, which is why I’m making this video the way I’m making it for you today. That’S empathy in action and you have to take that for your people, so you’re not married to it. You can pivot. I wrote down some ideas. Dog toys give a dog right: dog toys, dog beds, dog kennels. These are perfect micro niche sites that you can start um. If you’ve got a dog, it makes sense. If you don’t have a dog, it doesn’t really make sense right. Um composting vermicompost knitting gardening hunting, crochet, whatever it is, whatever you’re into there’s a whole world around that of people searching for what’s the best knitting tools, what’s the best sewing machine, what’s the best gardening tool, what’s the best rake, what’s the best pitchfork, etc, etc? And you can meet those people where they are once you have solidified your niche you’re going to have to take a leap of faith here and you’re going to have to follow through on this once you’ve chosen what it is, then, it’s time to actually build out. Your site, this is one expense that we can’t get around. This is the only required expense in the entire process. Okay and it’s $ 40. For the first year when I started it was ninety five forty, but you can get it for less expensive. So what you need to get is on a self-hosted WordPress website. This is not wordpress.com. This is wordpress.org. Self-Hosted means you’re going to go lease server space. This is web hosting. You have to have web hosting and that’s your home. That’S your virtual real estate online, where you actually build out your website. Now when I started, I had to figure out how to install WordPress, and I had to figure out how to do all of it today. The hosting companies will do that for you and I’ve built out an incredible tutorial for you on my blog. So let’s go check that out, because this is going to show you step-by-step, how to do it so just go to myles bechler com and on the top navigation. There is an option that says start your blog click on that and guess what it is. It’S a tutorial that teaches you how to start your blog and we go step by step literally I’m showing you click here. This is what you’ll see click get started. This is what you enter for your domain name, click here. This is how you get your hosting setup: thirty nine dollars and ninety two cents is the cost for the first year. The second year is gon na cost a little over a hundred dollars. We get you a discount by going through my link, I am an affiliate, but you get a discount a significant discount on your first year, the discounts even bigger, if you paid two years at once, so you can actually save more money. If you pay two years at once, but really I think, being able to get started for under $ 40 and that’s the only expense puts affiliate marketing in the reaches of literally just about everyone. Now I want to show you how comprehensive this is. So I teach you how to get this all set up and then we actually get into WordPress. You change your permalinks. We’Re gon na talk about this in the in the future on how to get your search console set up essentially how to get some of the free Google tools the Google Analytics set up. All of that I show you how to get it all going and we’ll come back to that here in a minute, because right now you’ve chosen your niche and then you have to choose a domain name now. What is the domain name that you’re gon na choose? It’S a wide variety. You come up with something you can get behind. If you’re in the the world of chef’s knifes it can, it can be best chefs, knifes, calm, it could be Susan’s cutlery, it could be knifes at home, it could be kitchen kitchen cutters, kitchen knife foot, whatever you want it’s kind of irrelevant and what I mean By kind of irrelevant on the domain name, a lot of people get stuck here. Google didn’t really mean much before Google Yahoo didn’t mean much before Yahoo. Pepsi meant nothing before Pepsi brands become what we create through them. Okay, so you can start a totally unique brand name and you will build it into what it can be through the content through the effort that we’re gon na cover in the rest of the steps here make sure it’s easy to understand. Make sure when you speak. It out it’s easy to know how to spell it. It doesn’t have anything confusing right, no pterodactyls, that start with a P in there that wouldn’t be very good and make sure just write it out, just type it out and make sure it doesn’t accidentally say something in the middle. I cover this in the how-to by how to get started on your own blog a little bit, but there there. Sometimes you write two words together and it looks like there’s a word in the middle. That’S not a nice proper word. You wouldn’t want that reflection on your brand, so really this is another situation where you have to pull the trigger and get going forward, domains alone or maybe 12 to 15 dollars per year. So if you ever changed the domain in the future, it is possible to move it, but you really don’t want to unless you absolutely have to so now you have the domain name and now you have hosting and you’ve got one year, and this is where we’re Really getting into go time: okay year, two is going to cost about $ 100, so year, 1 is under $ 40, my wife and I, when we started her website in 2009, I had run out of money. I couldn’t afford rent. We had to literally move back in with my parents. I was about 30 newly married, my dad was retired at home. It was a very small house. I grew up working-class, poor and out of that, we were able to scrape together ninety-five dollars and 40 cents and I think it was the best thing that happened to us being in that broke, because we didn’t have the money to go chase shiny objects. We didn’t have any money to buy a course to listen to a webinar of somebody. Saying here is the shortcut, the magic secret that makes it easy. There is no shortcut. There is no way to make it easy. These gurus will not save you. You can save yourself by doing the work and where to go down all the bits and pieces here, but I think if you’re, like literally bootstrapping, you’re flat broke you’re like man, I got to make something work that can be the most powerful moment of your life. Honor, that and roll up the sleeves and get it done. That’S how we built our business. Millions of dollars have been made from that first website. You can do it as well. So next up now you have your actual site up. You have your hosting running your WordPress is built and then now you got to get a theme now. I do recommend in that post and I love some paid themes, but you don’t have to invest in a paid theme, especially in the beginning. You can easily build out on some free themes for the first year. Your site can look good and you can move forward doing what matters which is publishing content. That’S going to rank, so many people start to build a website, and the first thing they do is. I got ta make it look pretty. No, you don’t no one’s finding your website until you’re getting dozens of people per day. Finding your website. The look of your website doesn’t matter traffic matters in the early days, getting picked up by the search engines matter in the early days and if you’re not doing those things you’re focusing on how it looks and you’re not focusing on how it works. You’Re doing the wrong things. So what free themes do we use? Well wordpress.org? That’S the content management system that we’re using and no Squarespace doesn’t count. Wix won’t work. None of the other options work. It’S only a self hosted WordPress website that is run by a nonprofit organization called automatic’. That’S the name of the company and automatic has a division that they make some plugins, but what they do is they put out a really nice really well-built highly optimized theme. Every single year – and they have a team of volunteers who make sure they’re updated for security patches to make sure they’re, quick loading and just about every developer in the world, can actually customize these for you in the future. So it’s a great free foundation for you to build upon. So when you have a bunch of content and you’re ready to invest a little bit of money and somebody customizing it to make it look like some other website. Any developer in the world can do that. People in the Philippines and India and Bangladesh some three to five to $ 7 an hour people can make your site look beautiful and all your contents already on the right framework in the right place. So how do you find these things? Let’S go back to the computer so now to get all of the value out of WordPress we’re gon na go to wordpress.org.

First and again, wordpress.org is the self hosted site now up here on the top navigation there’s themes now this is a gigantic repository of their themes. Now, what shows up first, for me, is the 20. 20. 20. 19. 20. 17. These are the themes you want to start with. Okay, now, I’m gon na show you another way to find them in case they don’t automatically pop up for you, you search wordpress.org. Actually, you search themes. Excuse me for automatic, because that’s again the name of the company, so when it loads, you find the 20 21 they’re always named the year because they put out one per year right here by wordpress.org click on that these are the only ones.

I want you to consider at this point: this is old school. This is where WordPress was when I first got started: they’re they’re pretty nice these days. I really like 2017 theme and I actually like, I believe, it’s 2015 and might even be too 11. The 2011 theme I actually really liked, so I think the 2017 17 theme looks great. You can click on this from here. You can see the different people’s reviews of it. You can click preview. You can kind of see it in action. I, like the big imagery, but big images can get you to slow down your site and it’s easy to read it’s easy to navigate now to actually install this theme. You want to go in through your WordPress dashboard and inside of my tutorial, my blog posts that teaches you how to start a blog.

I show you how to install a paid theme, but you just choose. You just go search from the themes inside your dashboard. You click themes and what theme do you want you type in automatic? It will pull them up and you load it.

Obviously they have a download button there. You can download it and you can upload it to your server as well. So there’s two ways to get that done: it’s the exact same as what I teach. Those are the free ones. If you’re interested in the paid ones, then it’s all explained in the blog post, but you don’t need it so the one other note I want to get into on WordPress one of the ways that WordPress works is, you can add different themes. So there’s millions potentially of free themes available.

I recommend you only stick with the ones from wordpress.org from the core team, because they’re the only ones you can guarantee that developers are gon na keep coming back. These random made themes that look good from random people could contain malware. They could contain spyware, they could contain. They could hack your website. They could leave security vulnerabilities inside of your website, so other people can sneak into your website. It is not a good idea to go, find a random free, pretty theme and build your real business off of that, because that theme could become the weak point that crumbles your skyscraper in the future. Well, let me tell you how I know I’ve had my hat. My sites hacked multiple times, and this is one of the biggest prevention points and also in plugins, when you start to add plugins, you do not want to add plugins plugins, add functionality. Your website there’s a few of them that are required, which I explained inside of that post. But you really want to hesitate to add plugins, because they’ll slow down your website, which is bad and they can offer more security vulnerabilities in the future. So when you’re getting started, we want you to get a very, very lightweight site, there’s not much going on there’s no real plugins going on beyond the core ones.

I teach in that blog post there’s only one theme on the site. That is a core WordPress theme and then it’s content we’re going to talk about the content game here in a minute, but that is really the key to success. Is massive amounts of hyper focused content on what your audience is looking for? Eventually, you can add functionality later. Eventually, you can customize the look later, but I implore you to get through these first steps as quickly as you can, so you can get into what matters which is the absolute content. Now, let’s talk about the basic WordPress set up real quick because it’s covered in my blog post. So once you get setup with your hosting and your theme is installed now you need to go change. Your permalinks, which is the URL structure up top. We need to set it to post name. I walk you through that in the blog post, then you need to get it connected with Google search console and Google Analytics. Let’S jump on the computer, real quick search consoles the most both of them are important from day. One, so don’t don’t not do one, because I say the most important is search console but search console is where you’ll see the early data that shows signs of life. That shows things are happening to get there. You go to google.com for such webmasters and this is Google search console now you need to set up an account and then you’ll need to verify your website, which I show you how to do in the blog post. Ok, inside of this blog post, I show you if we just do ctrl, F, search console. You can see right here, connect your website to Google.

I show you exactly how to go through and get it all set up step by step by step. Okay, so you’re gon na get this connected and you’re gon na get your website verified in Google. Then Google starts showing you data. The second thing you need to do is you need to get a site map on your site connected over to your search console and what this does is. Every time you write a new post, your site map automatically updates, and then it automatically notifies Google hey. I’Ve got a new post, it’s here and Google will come index it for you quickly. If the tutorials here, which are step by step – and I show you every step of it – are not good enough – you can go to youtube and you can type in miles. Beckler search console – and you will see here in this video – how to guarantee Google is indexing, your WordPress website. This is the video where I walk you through the same process that we put in blog tutorial. Ok, so there is your resourcefulness, I’m handing you the keys at this point. Your website is set up. Your basic website is set up. Now it’s really time to get into motion the world the online world, the webosphere, if you will works on content, YouTube works on video content right like if a youtuber wants to grow. It requires content to grow, my wife and my websites.

We reach millions of people. Every single month, and if we want when we want to increase our traffic, we put out more content when I want my YouTube to grow more quickly, which I really don’t care about – that much I put out more YouTube videos right. So your job from this point on we just did the foundation stuff right. We dug the hole, we’ve we’ve fence it off. We poured our concrete. We have now poured our foundation. Your job from this point on is content, content content, content content, which means you’re gon na, be stepping into a few new learning curves that you’re going to have to deal with. So I’m breaking up the the content creation into phases through blocks of 30 and there’s a specific reason, because you’re going to be learning about the process, you’re gon na be learning about how to write good reviews. You’Re gon na be learning about how to publish on WordPress and when you do it enough times over, it becomes second nature, and then you then start to think about more complex things that I deal with every single day. But you don’t necessarily need to think about these. Yet, okay, it’s the idea of the first day at the gym. You just want to go in and do some basic workouts right, there’s nothing crazy! There’S no fancy routines going on! We just really want to get ourselves to the gym. Do our 30 minutes and get out, and if we do that enough times, we can really start to get specific and isolate on the different muscle groups and the different circuits and whatever it is that we do in that scenario, so you’re the new be going to The gym here and that’s what we really need to work out before you can start writing.

You need to figure out topics. What are you gon na write about, and ultimately you always want to write about what your audience is searching for? Okay, this is the core idea of how affiliate marketing works coming into real action. There’S some really cool tools that will allow you to understand what people are searching for it and I’m gon na show you some of these. Now. This is the one area.

If I was to recommend one place to spend money moving forward, it would be on a proper professional level, keyword research tool. Now I’ve taught free keyword, research tools here on YouTube two separate times and both times I taught them because I have a hundred and something thousand subscribers.

I send them a flood of traffic. They they get overwhelmed with the amount of data they have to purchase, because all these keyword tools are buying data from elsewhere and they became paid tools and they’re, not the best tools, so, unfortunately, there’s really no free keyword tool. That’S gon na give you exact, search volume, data and exact difficulty data, and that’s okay, you don’t need it, but if you want to invest in one area of your business, that’s gon na give you a competitive advantage over everyone else in your space. This is the place, so let’s go a little bit deeper in this first we’re gon na talk about the ways to find free, free keyword, phrases, okay and we’re gon na go to YouTube for this, because I’ve got tutorials on this. I have many different videos that teach you how to do different parts of keyword, research, so we’re gon na go two miles back. We’Re gon na just type in keyword, research and you can see it automatically populates because I’m fairly well-known for keyword, research now the specific ones that I’m going to show you.

Oh, let me do actually: let’s do miles back later. Five free keyword, research and what’s going on here is, I remember the title of the videos that I published. So that’s what we’re working off of this! This is the easiest way to find stuff anytime. You have a question about your business. Growing business go to go to YouTube or Google type in miles, bechler, comma.

Whatever your question is: I’ve got 600 videos here. I’Ve probably covered it, but it’s this video here, the top five free keyword, research tools to get more blog ideas, video ideas and podcast topic ideas. This is the place to go. These five tools are free. They don’t give you the exact data, but that’s okay. You just need to get a topic that you know people are searching. They don’t give you the exact data, but the fact that they show it as a result means that there is data behind it and for your first 30 posts you just need to flex the muscle you just need to move forward.

So if you’re in the knife realm – and you know a lot about sin – toku knives – you know a lot about paring knives and you know a lot about knife sets because you’ve been dealing with it you’re a chef whatever it is, go all-in on those things. You know first because it’s gon na allow you to write more with less research in the early days and that’s key. We want to minimize the number of learning curves how to do keyword research, how to write a good blog post, how to publish those are all those are all different learning curves.

So if you already have expertise on something, you can just write how to do knitting. How to garden – and you just know some of these things, like the back of your hand, start there go find a keyword phrase that matches what you know, what you can teach easily and just start publishing from there. If you are interested in purchasing a paid tool watch this video here, this video is keywords that make money is what it says. It’S keyword, research for SEO. I show in very quick. Actually, it’s like 20 minutes, the pro level tool I use and how I get it to essentially give me really high search volume and really low difficulty phrases. So I know that all of my energy is going towards phrases that I have a higher likelihood of ranking for so in the tool it does have a monthly fee. I think it’s $ 49 per month, which for some people that puts it in the I can’t do that yet range and that’s okay.

I want I want you to know that you can use the five tools. I showed you in the one above, but if you’re interested in spending a little bit extra money right there on the early days to make sure that every ounce of energy you put in your business is focused 100 % on keywords to get searched over and over And that have relatively low competition. This is the competitive advantage.

I do believe the reason my wife’s website has reached over 40 million human beings is because, as she’s written, her 1,000 plus blog posts in ten years. Yes, she has over a thousand blog posts on her website each and every one was focused on a keyword phrase and a lot of them had get 200 to 300 searches per month, but they have a really low search difficulty, and that means we rank. So we’ve got up a lot of traffic on phrases that not everyone’s going for a lot of people think best. Chef’S knife is where they want to go. I prefer to focus in on the long tail phrases like best chefs knife for left-handed cooks. If that’s actually searched, I know that’s a much more specific situation. I know I can empathize with that person. I can connect with them better and I know there’s just gon na be less big-name blogs. Big name: brands going after such a small, focused niche audience see how all of these bits and pieces are working together. So at this point you now are able to pull out your different topics.

Okay, you have the resources that you need, whether you’re gon na be resourceful and use the free tools and blaze forward. That’S what I did in the early days, because I had no money to invest in a keyword tool for at least six months into the game or, if you’re, just gon na, invest to save a bit of time and to really focus your energy great. Either way. You come up with topics now, here’s one of the biggest keys, one of the biggest tricks I can give to you is don’t go, create a list of 30 posts or 90 posts or don’t even make a list of ten posts or five posts come up with One and do that one take it to completion, get it live and then work on the next one and then do that post and take it to completion and then go back to your research tool and find that next topic. If you fill your brain with too many ideas, early you’re, going to overwhelm yourself and overwhelm, is absolutely one of the main killers. There’S the second one, which is called the chasm of death that I’m going to tell you about in a minute. And it’s where people end their careers do end in the chasm of death, but I think overwhelm is one of the biggest things that people get into: okay, cool, I’m gon na do all the keyword, research,

I’m gon na plan out my next hundred posts and they Don’T write anything and they spend one week two weeks, three weeks researching and not doing and again, this game does not work if you’re not publishing content to grow this channel to a hundred thousand subscribers, I put out 500 plus videos in three years. That is an average of one video every two days for three years solid. It was arduous, but you know what it worked because YouTube the search engine picked it up, because I covered so many different topics. Each video was focused on a different keyword phrase and on and on and on the plan worked my newest affiliate marketing website that went from zero to 3000. I think we’re at thirty six hundred dollars a month right now in ten months in one week, so that path, the reason why that worked, we did 91 posts that were hyper, targeted and went back and improved some of the old ones, which is one of the Steps we’ll get to 91 hyper targeted posts all meticulously focused on keywords, each and every time, if I wrote posts on phrases that people weren’t searching for nobody would’ve found me, but since we focus everyone on keyword phrases, that’s how it worked and we got one going. We got one into production, it came out, it got published, we went on to the next and the next and then next and that’s what you’re trying to build as a system as a machine to go from idea to keywords, to written content, to your reviews. Published repeat that process: how fast can you get to a hundred posts is kind of the question which really we’re getting to the next step switch the neck. The one next step you need to get into is actually getting set up as an Amazon affiliate. So for that you’re just going to go just type in on Google Amazon affiliate program now Amazon affiliate program is where I recommend everyone starts and the reason I recommend you start. There is mainly because everyone trusts Amazon and I got a. I got a throw a caveat here. Maybe Amazon doesn’t work in your country? I don’t know. Maybe Amazon associate program isn’t open for you in your country. If that’s true, you’re going to need to be resourceful and find what you can recommend products through in your country. In the main Western english-speaking countries – Canada, US UK, Australia, etc, this is the place to go. You’Ve got to join now for free link up here. You need to get this set up, so you can go, actually get Amazon affiliate links. Now again, why am i recommending you start with Amazon?

You don’t have to stay on Amazon only forever. There’S great networks like Avant link, which is great for the camping, the backpacking and hiking the outdoor space. There’S a bunch of great affiliate networks out there, and many companies run their own affiliate programs that you can just go. Look at their website, search for affiliate, find their program sign up and start promoting their content. But the thing about Amazon is that over half of Americans are Amazon, Prime members and right now with our world going crazy and a lot of people lock down. People are buying more off of Amazon.

Now than ever, you see your target market. The the mum at home with the kids she already trusts Amazon. Not only does she trust Amazon she’s already spent thousands of dollars with Amazon. In fact, Amazon’s already got her credit card saved right there inside of her account and her address and everything she might even have one-click ordering turned on she trusts Amazon. So much so she can go from searching for a knife set to finding your blog post to trusting you of your contents good to clicking through and buying within about a minute and a half which is maybe the amount of time she has with three kids at Home, maybe she has that amount of time.

Okay, so it’s facilitate again we’re back to that empathy idea it’s again, making it so easy for her to to buy her thing or him if it’s a say home, dad whatever like there’s, there’s a million and one customer avatars for a million one different niches. I’M just sticking with this first one that I came up with as we were moving forward here. So really. I think this is the big key and the big value in going with Amazon. Now you have a 24 hour duration from when they click to when they purchase if they purchase within 24 hours after making the click through your website, you get a commission most other affiliate. Programs are 30 days 60 days or longer, which can help you potentially earn more, but everybody buys on Amazon already, and that is worth it, and what I’ve been seeing is that, right now, in the last month of data from my Amazon Associates account I’ve driven I’ve Initiated about 270 sales, okay, so somebody clicked through my site and then they go to the shopping, cart and they check out, but I’ve sold 1,500 individual products.

Now, when people go to Amazon they’re about to buy that thing, that you’re recommending they usually have a couple of things, they can add on whether it’s dishwasher detergent la I see very random things being added on to orders which increases the order value so for every Con in the world of Amazon, there there’s a pro in the world of Amazon, and it’s just so easy to get started with we’re minimizing the number of learning curves you have to deal with and we’re minimizing the amount of trust you have to build, because once They’Re on Amazon, if they see it, they like it, the reviews look good. They believe you they’re like this is the one for me.

They’Re gon na quit they’re gon na click, they’re gon na buy they’re gon na be done with it and you’ll earn income. So, that’s really why Amazon works so well in this situation, so you set up Amazon and there’s some learning process in there. How do you find the products? It’S actually really easy. You just go type in the search bar when you’re logged in and it’ll bring up. Your affiliate links and you grab your affiliate links. Now you don’t want to download images from Amazon and upload them to your site, that’s against the Amazon Terms of Service, but gives you affiliate links that have the images embedded. So if you’ve used their embed links, which is the only way you should be doing this um – that’s how you get your their links and their images on your site in a way that’s 100 % compliant with Amazon. Now you are ready to write your content. We’Ve got all the structure built out at this point. Okay, now, if you’re enjoying this kind of deep dive, firehose hyperactive content, let me know in the comments I want to know if a you’ve even made it this far on. But if this, if I should do more of these – because I can do this on SEO and all the other bits and pieces now you’re ready to start writing your content and again what you’ve built at this point is an engine. If you will so a blog and an affiliate account and all these bits and pieces that you’ve built that’s the engine, but an engine needs fuel right and it needs a lot of fuel and the fuel for your growth is content. It literally is a race to a hundred posts and then once you get to a hundred posts, it’s a race to two hundred posts. There is never a point when you should be done, putting out content.

It’S a forever game that we’re in now you might decide to slow your content pace because you have a lot of great traffic running you’re, making you’re, hitting your sales volume and your sales target. That’S where I’m at with my affiliate case, study site we’re scaling back from three posts per week to one post per week at this point. But Google expects your website to always be maintained. Part of this is going back through old content and making it better, because you’ve learned more you’ve become a better writer. You have more skills that you can bring to your old content.

We’Ll talk about that, but another part of it is the world changes. There’S new products, there’s new things out there and Google expects authoritative websites to consistently be updated, which is again why I think it’s so valuable to choose a niche that you, you have an affinity for that you’re interested in if you’ve been playing chess.

All your life – and you know you’re gon na – be playing chess for the rest of your life. Good, that’s great! That’S that’s kind of what you need if you just randomly chose a niche because you thought there was money in it. Oh gosh, you’re in for a day of reckoning, three years down the line: cuz you’re, just gon na get bored three years, your day of reckoning might be four months out, actually because you’re just gon na get bored with it. So keep that in mind again as you’re moving forward, but writing the content.

How do you write content quickly? That’S going to work for because, when you write your content and publish your content, there’s a few different goals that you have number one goal is for Google to find your content and for Google to rank your content so when they go search, best left handed chef’s Knife, if you have a post on that for your content, to be written and structured correctly in a way that they actually find you on the first page of Google, then you can have a really good title in a really good description.

So when they’re, looking at that, first page of Google there’s a bunch of options for them to choose. Why are they going to choose yours? Because your your title is a promise, because your title induces curiosity, because your title promises to deliver more value than the other options above you now. This is search intent and I’ve got a video that I’m gon na reference here in a second for you to go through, but you need to understand this conceptually so there’s the title in the description are super important for this video.

The title that you see here, I spent like an hour and a half writing title idea after title idea. I think about 29 or 30 different title ideas before I really really felt confident that this was the right title for the video, and I do that with my blog posts a lot.

So the title in the description are super important. Then the content needs to be structured in a way that Google likes, but the content also needs to be great for the reader, because that mom, who has literally 48 seconds to go research, her new knife set when she clicks on your website. If she can tell that, it’s half asked that it’s terrible that it was written by someone in the Philippines who has or any country I don’t wan na, I’m not picking on any country, I’ve teammates in the Philippines. I love my Filipino teammates, but if they can tell it was written by English as a second language content person because they were cheap, they’re gon na click back just like you would right, you would never open up a blog post that has terrible grammar that has Terrible punctuation and that’s just trying to sell sleazy push push push affiliate links at you. You click back immediately, so expect your users to do the same thing yet again we’re back to the empathy right who they are.

So it really needs to be a very good post and needs to be structured in a way that meets her. You know what, if she’s a wealthy mom and what, if she would have heard she makes four hundred fifty thousand dollars per year and she wants the best like the absolute best. You might not be in the market for that and that’s understandable, but what if she is the mom who he’s the cheapest, but yet she doesn’t want cheap flimsy. She want cheap quality. She wants like the prosumer level. Okay, now these are the different avatars within your audience that you’re always going to be catering to, and how do you actually really connect with them?

Well, let’s go back to YouTube here now in the search bar of YouTube, so you’ve got miles Beckler and then type in look at all these things are already popping up. That’S kind of crazy. So from here you want to type in how to write review post fast again, my name: how to write, review post review post fast. Excuse me um, and this is the one for you right here – I’m giving you my template in this video how to write SEO. Optimized affiliate review post fast.

What it does is it teaches you, a process to get Google to show you all of the things you need to have inside of your post. So if it’s the best over 100, the best under 50, whatever those things are, Google will show you you’re able to go through this process. You make an outline, then you just fill in the gaps in the outline. You add in your affiliate links and you’re off to the races now the beginning of your writing process that video that we just link to is gon na show you the exact process that you need. This is the thing you’re gon na do over and over and over this is the work write, successful digital marketers, successful digital entrepreneurs that I know work way harder on their businesses than they ever did at desk jobs. I’Ve been doing this.

I’Ve been full-time online since 2010, so I’m 10 years full time online. I still often work 60 70 80 hours per week. That’S because this is my business. This thing goes under my lifestyle changes drastically, so I’m bringing in this is to me incredible competition right. This is as much competition in the game of digital marketing affiliate marketing, making money online as there is in professional sports and there’s no professional athlete who stops going to the gym.

There’S no professional athlete who thinks winning the Superbowl and then they can be a passive football player. It just doesn’t happen and it’s not in this world. So this is the work you’re going to do over and over and we’re breaking it up now. The first chunk is your first 30 posts, and I want you to get your first 30 posts done before you even come up for breath. You haven’t even looked at logo, yet you haven’t even looked at a designing your site, yet nothing cuz. It doesn’t matter cuz. No one’s gon na find you. If you have three posts: zero posts, five posts, fifteen posts, no one’s going to find you.

You have to have the sitemap setup connected which we did in an earlier step and then it’s just brute force content. So one of the big questions becomes, let me go drink water, so one of the big questions becomes: how quickly can you put out high quality content that your audience is going to open, read and think wow? This is great. This is super helpful gosh. Thanks for writing this, this really actually helped me find the right knife set for me. Is it one a day great if you’re, in a position to do one a day perfect? Is it two per week three per week four per week?

All I know is the more posts that are great right, well, researched, SEO, optimized and really really great bet there. They really are the best kind of review on the top of all. In that matter, the more of those you can put out the faster you are catching up to your competitors, who simply have a head start on you and if you want to overtake them, which is obviously the goal of this whole thing, you just need to outwork Them for a longer period of time, so they’ve got 78 posts and you have zero and they’re putting out two posts per week.

You could put out four posts per week and within 34 or 39 weeks you will have caught up to them. That’S rough math. Correct me, or forgive me if I’m wrong or correct me in the comments, if I’m wrong, but that’s the theory here, so you want to get the frequency of publishing up as high as you can, without compromising the quality of what you’re, publishing. Okay and there’s two types of posts that you’re going to be creating number one is that review post that I just showed you, okay, that is gon na, be 80 % of what you do, 80 to 90 %, so in doing 30 of these posts about 27, Maybe 24 to 27 are gon na, be direct review, best chef’s knife for left-handed person best paring knife for apples, whatever those phrases that you find from the keyword tools are one after the other, after the other line them up, knock them down, move forward on to

The next remember you’re, building skills, you’re learning how to do keyword, research, you’re learning, how to do product research, you’re learning how to write effectively as a communicator, you’re learning how to publish on WordPress you’re learning the basics of search engine optimization. It gets easier over time. It takes you three hours to write your first post. It takes you ten hours. It takes you three days to write your first post. That’S actually a better starting point. Takes you three days to start your writing. Your first post you’ll be able to get it down to two you’ll, be able to get it down to one you’ll, be able to get it down to a few hours.

Were you able to put these out and it’ll be higher quality than the one that took you three days and it’ll come out faster? How do you get there? You do it over and over and over you build the skill. How do great baseball batters become great at batting? They spend an amazing time in the batter’s box whether it’s beat with a pitching machine with pitchers, with whatever they spend years grinding. It out, fouling balls off strike it out and they keep showing up. That really is a good analogy here. So 80 % are the best review. Okay, best paring knife for apples or whatever you’re finding, then the other twenty ten to twenty percent need to be how-to articles. So in the same knife world how to properly cut an onion.

You ever try to cut an onion they’re a little awkward right. Do you cut it like this way or this way, and then then do you slice it, and then how do you get the dicing down? Okay, so there’s the how-to side, which is gon na, be about 20 % of your content, and you should be really helpful posts again focus on things. You have data that says people search okay and then you just write them and when they start to work together. If you’ve got a post, that’s how to slice an apple and then you’ve got a best paring knife for apples. You link your how to slice an apple put. You link them together.

You just put a link in there and you build a little web of relevance on your website and that’s how you’re gon na grow so 30 posts 80 to 90 percent or direct reviews 10 to 20 percent or how-to. At that point, high five, you made it through phase number one, and this is amazing, where you’re getting close to is the chasm of death that takes out more entrepreneurs than anything I’ve seen. But once you get to the point that you’ve written 30 posts you want to go back into search console, that’s google.com, slash webmasters! I showed it before you tied your sitemap in and you want to look. Am I getting impressions? Okay, so Google Analytics will show you the traffic that you’re receiving now. Remember, no, I didn’t say social media, I didn’t say, go to Instagram, I didn’t say, go promote it here. Don’T go. Do this, the other don’t put it in Facebook group. Nothing all you’re doing is writing content.

I didn’t do anything on my channel. For over a year I didn’t post ons, I didn’t post my videos on social media. I ignored everything I went all in because I was learning how to YouTube. I was learning how to make videos. I was learning how to communicate. I was learning how to upload and publish and all that mess you need to go all in on that first thing: first, which right now is writing on your blog. So then, after 30 days after or 30 posts, if you knew in 30 days great, if it takes you 90 days, who cares? That’S awesome, then, go back into search, console and and look at search, console and see if you’re getting impressions and if you are circle back to those posts reread those posts. Are they good because by the time, you’re writing posts? 31 you’re gon na be a lot better than when you were writing posts number one. Okay, so you can check search console earlier. My team and I check it probably twice a week to be honest with you at this point in time and there’s a point after the next block of 30.

I recommend you go look in there every single week. If you want to look every week, that’s great! So what you’re, looking for our posts that show up in search console to start to get impressions, but they have very low or no clicks, and what this means is. Your title is probably missing and in the video I referenced on how to write great content for affiliate post, how to write great affiliate review. I talked a lot about the title and how to get the title and how to get the hook and the idea of the title by using search intent. I have a video on that. Just youtube.com Myles, bechler, comma search intent because that’s really the key, because what impressions with no clicks means is that you’re showing up when users are searching but they’re choosing the people around you. And if Google Google’s like rating your website. And how does Google rate your website?

Well, if Google shows you and no one clicks on you, that’s a thumbs down from Google. If Google shows you and people click on you, that’s a thumbs-up from Google. That’S called your click-through rate. So when you see a lot of impressions and no clicks, that’s a bad thing and if you get too many down votes, meaning people look at you and they just don’t click on you.

Google is gon na. Remove you from that top search result. So, that’s why you want to catch posts to start to show up inside of the impressions column, and you want to improve them. You want to really kind of make sure they’re, readable, they’re good for the users, the users aren’t clicking and hitting the back button right away, because it’s terrible content because that’s a vote down from Google. So that’s the the thought process on it. So you got 30 posts going at this point, you’re on the path it’s getting easier. Now you need to do another 30 posts and these next 30 posts you want to start to get into the world of search engine optimization. You want to really start to use the headings the h2s, the h3 s. You want to find the right word counts. You really want to start to get a little bit more data-driven about the content that you’re creating, because ultimately, this is gon na make your content that much more enticing to Google for Google to start displaying you more the first phase of writing your first 30.

I just want you to go through the motions, just become a writer just get it out and get it flowing, we’re gon na loop back to those in the future, your second block of 30. We want these to be better. We want these to be noticeably better in the content, you’re writing and in their optimizations. How do you learn the basics of optimization and SEO? We’Re gon na go back to YouTube here so miles. Beckler SEO is probably the best place to start this free SEO. Class right here is going to explain in a very similar, deep dive way that I did here the the main ideas about how to structure content on your WordPress blog. That’S going to be really really really: Google friendly, it’s gon na be search engine optimized. Once you go through this process. Okay and you’re gon na understand how all those components work.

The other thing you need to figure out is: how long should your blog post be and you type in miles Bechtler? How long should your blog post be, and here it is, there’s a video on it? How long should your blog post be of this process forces? Google, to show you how many words you need, if you’re, extra, ambitious and you’re all in go through these two videos next and then get started on your content and start from day one with all these bits and pieces involved if you’re busy. If you have kids, if you’re working from home, if your life is crazy right now and you’re like dude, I got like this much bandwidth. I’Ve got this much time. I’Ve got this much mental energy to dedicate ignore this stuff until the process of writing gets easier because again, it’ll take you three days in the beginning, I’m gon na go fullscreen here cuz. This is important. Okay, it starts three days to write a post in the beginning, and then it gets shorter and shorter and shorter, and what we want to do is we want to you’re building muscle memory, okay, you’re, it’s getting easier because you don’t have to think about all of The little components becomes second nature, then you add on more things.

They’Re gon na help your conte go more quickly. The challenge and the reason I don’t recommend you go, do all of these things before you get started, is cuz. That’S gon na overwhelm most people, but if you get a little bit of momentum on your blog you’re putting out content, you got your mom blog you’re talking about this you’re talking about that you’re enjoying the process of writing you’re getting comfortable with the process. My name you enjoy, you might just be getting comfortable the process of writing once that becomes kind of sort of second nature. Add on the next level of complexity, which is search, engine optimization and the right word count on your posts and that’s how you’re going to grow effectively in a way that’s going to avoid burnout, which is the number one failure so now you’re working on. Your second block of 30 posts now again, this might take you another 90 days. You might be six months into it and have 60 posts. I would like for you to be going faster than that. But again you have constraints in your life that I honor and I understand we did about yeah. Actually that was right about where we were.

We were doing three posts per week, very three to four posts per week very consistently on it. So that’s an aggressive, aggressive pace and the more you posts, the better your posts are, the more often you work on it. The faster you’re gon na grow the faster you’re gon na catch up to and overtake your competition. That’S the core idea. So your second block of 30 is going and this block of 30. You are currently trying to cross the chasm of death. What is the chasm of death? So there is an initial momentum, you’re you’re, watching this video, I hope you’re fired up. I hope you’re like ah finally makes sense and it feels believable and it feels doable you’re like I’m gon na. Do it I’m gon na wake up early every day, I’m gon na set my alarm for 4:30 in the morning and from 4:30 till 7:30, when I used to be sleeping, I’m gon na grind on my business and I’m gon na get it done. That’S what I did because I wanted it that bad and then, when I got home from work I grinded on it and then during lunch breaks I grinded on it and then my weekends. I just did nothing but work on this business and I’ve built a multi-million dollar business with a hundred dollar investment.

I know this stuff works, so you’re gon na commit to it. But when you get two months three months four months in you start to lose connection with that motivation, you start to lose connection with that fired-up like raw. We can do this yeah. It just gets hard you’re not seeing much in the results on search, console you’re, not seeing any traffic yet at this point, you’re, definitely not seeing any income from your website. Yet at this point – and it just gets to the point where you’re like man – does this work and that’s the chasm of death – that’s the moment doubt can creep in and that’s the moment like and well maybe there’s a shortcut, that’s that this is the beginning of The end when people get to this point because that’s when they start looking at healing, you know this. This goo that I keep seeing this ad about dropshipping on Instagram good lord uninstall Instagram from your phone during this process. Under the stall Facebook from your phone just disappear from the world and produce content and and learn and master these skills because, when doubt creeps in when you’re like okay I’m hands, this is really gon na work. I don’t know like. I don’t think this is gon na work, then doubt is there and what happens? Is the fake gurus play on this doubt? Their ads will speak to this doubt their copywriting, their webinars, their sales, letters and their video sales. Letters are so psychologically persuasive.

I mean it’s flat-out dangerous and some of them most of them are unethical, I would literally say they’re borderline unethical and they need you to doubt what you’re doing and then they insert that seed of like well, if you’re not doing this and you’re never gon na Make it? Because this is what worked for me and they need you to stop working on your plan to buy their thing, because they just bought a house for cash, which is the worst idea in the world. They have a Lambo oil change that they have to do they time the absolute top of the real estate market and they got some big-time expenses. Even if they paid cash on their house. Then two million ORAC house is a lot of upkeep. Like 1 % upkeep per year. That’S a big freaking number.

They have to keep making money to make money. They need to distract you from your plan, convince you and persuade you that their plan is going to get you where you want to go faster, easier, etc, which it won’t, and then they have to sell you a $ 2,000 or $ 1,000 thing. This is the chasm of death, so many want to preneur die and never make it out of the want renewal world. Because of this, those who are able to put on their blinders, I am going to be the most helpful person in the world of gardening forever. I’M doing my work, I’m doing my work, I’m doing my work, those who are able to build the praise for self the pride in I published another post today, there’s number 48 down, I’m on it, I’m gon na. Do I’m gon na hit a hundred posts?

I’M gon na hit 200 posts. I’M gon na be the most helpful gardening blogger in the world. I’M gon na be the most helpful blank in the world and those are the people who succeed because they are able to be driven by kind of a greater mission and they block out all the doubt and the noise. Because that’s what will happen to you months? Three through months six, what happens around month? Six is really exciting because that’s when the traffic starts to come in, that’s when the impressions are now turning into clicks and the clicks turn into traffic and the traffic clicks over to Amazon and that’s when things start to get exciting. So you’re gon na see impressions in search console. First then you’ll start to see traffic in analytics. Then in your Amazon, dashboard you’ll start to see clicks over into Amazon, and then you see sales and it just takes months to get there.

If you’re only publishing one post per week, it could take you a year or more to get to that point. It takes 60 plus posts to get to that point. Okay, there’s just no way around it. It just takes time. Google doesn’t trust you, your readers, don’t trust you, your content, isn’t all that good! It’S definitely not that! Well, optimized! That’S where we all start and you got to start there and you got a persevere through the challenges just blinders on all in for your audience, and you got to go and make it through that chasm of despair cuz once your first sale hits. My first sale is a dollar I think my first month like month, for I got like a dollar fifty and I was like. Oh, I could all go, buy a cup of coffee right and – and there were people who were kind of like talking smack about that on my channel and I’m just like they don’t get it right. Like that’s. A big freakin deal to make your first dollar online cuz for my website. It went one dollar online, then I went for 50 and then went 80 and then it went like 500 and then it went to thousand and now it’s at like 3400 and it just compounded because we have just been adding fuel to the engine relentlessly. Regardless of. What’S going on around us? Okay, I I digress from this, so we are now at post 60. You have completed your second block of 30 posts at this point, you’re going into search console every seven days, you’re looking for posts that you’re getting impressions, and/or are getting clicks or not. If they’re not getting clicks. You’Re. Looking at the title tag you’re optimizing the title in the description because that’s the problem: if they are getting clicks and you can see that you’re getting traffic, they also show up inside of Google Analytics if you’re getting traffic to specific posts, you need to go back And look at them: how good were they? Was this post number four and it’s actually really bad? It’S okay! I read content on my blog from time to time. In. Oh, my god, it’s a little embarrassing. It’S kinda cringe-worthy.

We all start somewhere, go watch. My first videos, if you need to don’t watch my first videos, there’ll, be a distraction from doing this. Do this ignore it trust that everybody starts as a rookie? Everybody starts with average at best content. Maybe I started with rubbish content and you can go back and improve it. That’S phase three so now that you’ve completed 60 you’re looking for the spikes and the data you’re looking for the impressions you’re looking for the clicks, when you see that you go back to those posts, but now for month, four content: pieces 61 through ninety – you want To go back to your original content that you first wrote on those first topics, because you’re only writing one post per topic. So you loop back to your old content and you start reading through your first posts, specifically the ones that you’re like that’s a really good product. That’S a really good!

I really like that. Why did that one not work yeah! That’S because the content just wasn’t there go rewrite it go update it make it better. Follow the SEO stuff. You learned in your second 60 or your second block. Your second block of 30. Follow that and now go integrate, implement, make it better change the publish date to yesterday’s publish date and republish. It it’ll go to the top of your blog roll it’ll, go to the top of your site map and it will Reno defy Google that hey this one has been updated at this point in time. So now you’re going back through and you’re improving your old content. You might want to incorporate and write some new content as well, so your third block of 30 could be a blend of improving old content and writing new content.

If your old content was just rubbish and you want to just go and rewrite all 30 of them, I totally get it.

You can do that as well, and that really is the game, and this point when you’re working on your post number 61 through 90 and a part of that is reworking your old stuff. That should be good, there’s a good product. It’S a really good thing. It’S a really good idea, huh. Why did that? Not click and you’re improving knows this is when you start to get into momentum, and this is when you’re out of the chasm of death, because the impressions are starting to stack up your grass starting to go up in the correct direction.

The traffic’s starting to show up you’re getting clicks over to Amazon, and you should be able to start to expect to see your first sales sometime in this range might take you to 120 posts to get those first sales. It doesn’t actually matter what matters is continuing to feed the engine with fuel until it works, and those are the kinds of people who succeed with affiliate marketing as those who are willing to commit they committed all costs.

I don’t give an F I’m doing this. I don’t care if my friends get it, I don’t care, my family gets it. I’M tuning everybody out, I’m deleting every app I’m unsubscribing from every fake guru. I’M never watching a webinar again, because I got to do and that I got to do is write more posts, focus on specific topics that people are looking for.

I got to make the best post on whatever that thing is that I’m doing, and then I got to do it again and again, because my audience is searching for things and if you’re audience who’s searching for the best, this the best that if they aren’t finding You they’re finding your competitors, there’s work to be done and that’s how you make the money online so really at this point, we’ve done three blocks of 30 posts: okay, the third block we’re now looping back through and fixing our old stuff

. That was terrible, we’re adding on new great stuff. By the end of this 30 30 block, you should have 90 posts that you’re stoked on that you’re. Actually proud of your WordPress skills should be dialed the process of getting images and putting it together and making it work is relatively simple. It’S second nature, you have new habits installed. You are a more valuable person whether your website is actually making you money at this point in time or not is irrelevant. When you have these skills of keyword, research of wordpress, blog creation, you could at this point go add value to just about any major company. In the were at small business, medium-sized business in the world, because everyone needs content marketing, that’s some powerful value when my wife and I were going building our site and her site started to get to 60,000 visits per month.

I started posting about it, like hey our sites, up to 60,000 visits per month and showing some graphs, and I started attracting client work. That was willing. Pay me two three five thousand dollars per month because of the success we were getting over there. It’S really powerful to become a more valuable human being, and I think today, more so than ever boy, we need to be skilling up our value, so we stay relevant and we stay valued by the corporation’s, because unemployment is going absolutely crazy and people don’t let go Of those valuable employees who are the linchpins within the company who are more, who bring more value into the company than they cost, those are the people who stick around.

So that’s kind of like a caveat here. You’Ve got the 90 post done and now it’s time to start thinking about, distributing and syndicating your content. This is really the last phase and we’ve waited until now, because a I can’t let you get distracted. There’S no posting this stuff on Facebook. I did it, it doesn’t matter, ignore it you’re all in on written content, that Google is gon na love and you go from there, but once you get through the 90 pieces of content, now is when you can start to think.

Okay, where are my audience? Members hanging out and how do I go, get my content in front of them where they already are so reddit there subreddits for people where they hang out kay, there’s a Quora which is a question-and-answer website, old-school forums, people hang out and talk in forums all day. Every day on YouTube, you could start a podcast on this stuff. It’S time now to add on that next layer of skill to help you bring attention to your content, because what you’ve built is you’ve built a little island.

Okay, your island of content. Now you need to make sure that people over on reddit who are interested in permaculture, gardening and you’ve got the adventures in permaculture, blog or whatever. It is. You need to make sure they know about you and your really relevant stuff by essentially sharing really good helpful posts as answers to people’s questions.

You never go in and spam these types of communities you simply want when somebody’s asking like how do I do an Google culture, bed and you’re like oh man, you got to check out my oboe culture post. I talk about the three different ways. You can build. A Google culture and the second one only takes 20 minutes to build and, like oh, my gosh, thank you so much that’s the kind of interaction is required. We don’t go into these third-party places and say: look at my new post. It’S so awesome everybody hates that. So there’s there’s core YouTube: Pinterest LinkedIn, reddit forums, etc. You don’t do them all.

You figure out where your people are business-to-business. People hang out on LinkedIn a lot of mums, a lot of home repair, a lot of home improvement in cooking. That’S on Pinterest, okay figure out where they are and don’t do Instagram don’t do Facebook, it’s just not worth it. Zuckerberg does not want to give you reach, so don’t give him content, then the last step.

The last step is another block of 30 posts forever and that’s truly the game, and today my wife’s website has literally connected with over 40 million people, most of whom came directly from Google and it’s because she has over a thousand posts on her website two miles. Beckler comm website my highest month was like right around a hundred thousand visits within a month. Currently, I think I’m getting like eighty thousand ish visits per month to my blog and that’s because I posted about 380 390, incredibly well-written detailed blog posts.

The miles Mecca, our YouTube channel reaches hundreds of thousands of people per month. I have 130 ish thousand subscribers. The reason is because I put out six hundred and something videos and I’m still showing up my affiliate niche site that grew, we’re still putting a bunch of content out we’re still getting more traffic. Our income is going up every single day right now, because our traffic is going up every single day right now, because we’re relentlessly putting out more helpful content for them. Those who literally embody this this state of being that is I’m a creator and I create the most helpful stuff for my people and I’m all in on you. And that is the truth and I hope you’ve been able to feel it and I hope you’ve been able to understand that, like I really am here for you like there’s no sales pitch, I’m not like. Oh. If I make this video on, then I could sell them this and did I could make some it doesn’t work that way if you’re trying to sell people on stuff, if you’re like me,

I need get money, I even know you don’t you need to give value And when that clicks and when you get really good at that – and you really are – and you become one of the most helpful people to your audience – the money just shows up hand over fist. It absolutely shows up it works.

It works every single time. You have to protect yourself from overwhelm if you try to do too much too early, because I covered the whole path and you’re like I can do it all odds. Are you can you’re not superhuman and most every person who tries to do all of it at once burns out and that’s a game ender for most people? You got to be able to stick with it for the long run in order to get the compounding results. Here that’s the biggest key and then you got to keep yourself motivated from months three through months, six in that chasm of death, because that’s when doubt can creep in that’s when people go do other things, that’s when people jump to the shiny objects, that’s when people Land on other people’s webinars hearing, all this psychologically persuasive this psychological warfare, that’s trying to separate you from your hardened money. I don’t need your money, because I have four websites generating over ten thousand dollars a month and my newest website. That’S ten months old is already just about to get to four thousand dollars per month. I didn’t show any ads during this before this after this, because I don’t need your money.

This is what truly successful and wealthy people do. Is they give value to others? Because I want to see you succeed, I want to see you create more revenue and a more enjoyable lifestyle for you and your family, so you can become a beacon of light in your community, so you can donate to your local charities. So you can donate to your church, so you can donate your time and food to the food bank, whatever you want to do,

I want to empower you to do that and you can do that when you help your audience, get what they’re searching for and our World will just become a better place when everyone Tunes in with this there’s a lot of shady shysters out there, who are just trying to separate you from your money because they bought too big of a house because they bought the stupid Lambo.

That has $ 4,000 oil changes because they bought too many liabilities and they ain’t got no assets. Well, I’m here to tell you you can grow an asset for less than $ 40 and we just mapped out the whole plan here. It’S the same plan that we grew 95 dollars and 40 cents 10 years ago. We brought in millions of dollars from that website. It’S friggin real! I just want to f-bomb this, I’m so like. I know you can do it, but I got ta get off the horse. We have been here for a damn long time.

I appreciate you if you made it to the end you have to.

Let me know on the bottom that you made it to the end. I don’t care how you do that, just like damn good on you. What are we even, I think we cross an hour, we’re rockin and rollin here. I thank you so much for doing what you do if you haven’t subscribed yet subscribe, because I’m gon na do a video soon that I’m gon na like review a bunch of successful affiliate websites.

So if you want to get notified when that video comes out, make sure you hit subscribe, hit, the bell you’ll get a notification when that comes out, and I just thank you. I hope I hope you stick with it. I hope you follow through be cautious of how much you try to do how many learning curves you take on at one time break it up in the way that I explained it in this. Video is gon na really help you rewatch the video. If you have to really nail down your 9 30 60 90 day plan for success, write it out it’s all here. I didn’t hide anything from you. There’S nothing hidden here.

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Tools die jeder Webseitenbetreiber kennen und verwenden sollte – Online Marketing Podcast 2

Welcome to our second online market podcast. My name is Elisabeth and today I have support from mine again Colleague Alexander from the OnPage division brought in. Hello. As with our first podcast, this time it will too be about Google Tools travel, but is not simply that. In addition to the tools, Google also has one huge selection of pieces that you can and also use as a website operator should. We miss some of these for you today to introduce. We’ll start with Google MyBusiness. Google MyBusiness is particularly relevant for local industries. Why then? That’s why Google MyBusiness is for local business related because you can highlight yourself here again. For example as Restaurant where exactly you sit, for example. That is, if beings were looking okay I want to go to the Asian XY, which “wouldve been” my store, then the im Search the Internet on Google, for example, how is the route to got to get, how is it the opening ages and the like. You really toy it through what information can I add to my MyBusiness entry? As previously discussed, on the one pas, of course, “todays opening” season can be collected, likewise with different times per day you can indicate where you are, of course, including the street Data on the delineate, i.e. within Germany or anywhere else and you can also store further information such as illustrates. That doesn’t precisely mean that people know what is on offer, where it is offered, but too how do you furnish it.You can also use it to emphasize your own ambience. Which data should I definitely collect in my MyBusiness account? At best, all data is placed that are offered to you, here are the opening seasons again of course fundamental. But the more information you require, for example, descriptions the place, pictures of the place. The more likely it will be natural too that Google gives the whole thing as good content. I can have such a MyBusiness account substantiated, how is that possible and what welfares me this verification? The verification is absolutely necessary with Google Okay can determine this material which was not now by anyone begin and maybe even incorrectly set on purpose to sabotage for example to operate, but of course Google wants it all in order is maintained and this proof is necessary.That conveys the then too arrives by mailing-card. There’s a little code on it you have to form in again on Google and the verification is complete. Let’s go to Google+ next. This is a social network like there are numerous others. So what is it different on Google+ than, for example, on Facebook? I repute the biggest gap is that Now you have to say my personal ruling, it’s simply that Number of users. Facebook has a lot of active useds because I would say people often use it privately to be with friends communicate et cetera. Google +, on the other hand, is theoretically there for that more Experience has shown that there are at most people who really win there feed a company or an internet site professionally. Merely a few use it privately. Why does it make sense to use Google+ from an SEO perspective? Additional announces can be made via Google+ which then too loom partially in the Google search can. You are also welcome to compile reviews and some also rumored that it would flow into the SEO evaluation at the end. At the part would But I likewise claim that a bonus that comes about is rather small-minded. Earlier we talked about Google MyBusiness. In a direction, that “ve got something” to do with Google +. How are the two associated? They are joined in that they are the data is partly shared. For example, the reviews go to Google+ but can also end with the entryway in MyBusiness are displayed. The next aspect is likenes search on Google. Sure, I can search for videos instantly, but there is another way around. With which gathering is that possible? Some beings may have already researched for personas before typing something saw this little photo icon on the side of the search bar.There if you are eligible to If you click “its also” possible to drag or upload portraits and then this paint that you have chosen is researched for. This means that various data are then called up, such as the belongings of the Image, the immensity and likewise the dye desegregating is tried to some extent find out and compare with other likeness. I can do the persona probe via the desktop, but are there other options? Of direction, this is also possible via the smartphone. When is such a picture search useful? There are numerous possible squanders. My classic is when, for example want to see, okay I now have commodities on offer myself that definitely simply I furnish. Could a challenger represent there? Images been stealing from me. That makes I’ll go my own Product picture, discard it in this scour and then you can find out okay, that somewhere else on the internet where it shouldn’t be. Another useful tool on Google is the Keyword Planner. Anyone can Website operators use the keyword planner to optimize their site? In principle, the Keyword Planner is free of charge, making anyone can do it operation but of course there is a little catch again on it. You have to have an active Adwords account at google and also here you have to pay attention to the more Sales you deliver to Google, the more accurate the values that are displayed. What else will I see in addition to the keywords? In addition to the keywords and the associated minds will also indicate things such as competition with low-toned, medium or high-pitched. These are very vague values. You can do it a little more precisely there determine the cost per click, the CPC. There people basically buy in Adwords via bids. That can be from a few pennies to several euros, and that can also be again draw conclusions. Not only for the Adwords field, but likewise for the organic, what terms are important to adversaries, what is highly competitive. What do I have to consider when using the Keyword Planner? When employing the planner, it is important to keep an eye on the lays, peculiarly if several people work with the same account. For example, person 1 hires okay, I demand my commands delight have only issued for the neighborhood Germany or only for the locality Munich and being multitude 2 had the idea to do the whole thing internationally consider.That can be done with the fixes overlap when these two beings are working on it simultaneously. Eventually, let’s take a closer look at Google Drive. What is Google Drive and what can I do with it? You can go to Google Drive imagine like a shadow. For those who may not say so much now You can theoretically save all files that you save locally on your computer likewise store on the Internet. There are many different providers for this and Google Drive is Google’s solution for this very service. That makes I can Excel files, Word reports or anything else that gets on my nerves Upload there if I require and access it from anywhere. But I can not only upload the documents but too edit them? Precisely this is the great advantage of Google Drive when, for example, a table is uploaded and can also be revised online. That allows for Example of collaborating with several users at the same time on the table again and for example to exchange ideas or merely mean a company trip. The topic of data protection is always very controversial, how does it gaze? while doing Google Drive off, is the data safe? Basically, Google is of course very concerned about security and also makes sure that the data cannot be stolen and the like. Still, it’s natural once that the data is sent over the internet which can be flawed can. Depending on how you protect you on his computer and on the other hand it is still a third party provider means you are simply not responsible for whether the data protect or not you always is therefore necessary to rely another party, what not is necessarily the most optimal solution. Thank you Alex for these detailed explanations. Thank you very much. So that was our second online marketing podcast on the subject Google implements and boasts. If your ever with the social Networks want to be up to date, then listen to ours extremely Social media podcast in.Have entertaining, see you !.

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💰 Easiest $500/Day Affiliate Marketing Method (2020)

What’s going on, chaps? Matthew Sabia here. In this video, I’m gonna prove you exactly how to induce $500 every single day with affiliate marketingwithout paid under ads, or even having an existingemail list, so stay sung. I’m gonna indicate you exactly how it’s done. As you guys probably alreadyknow, affiliate marketing spawns up a substantialpart of my online income.( ignited whirring) Now, affiliate market means you are promoting someoneelse’s product or volunteer in exchange for a commission.Typically, you do this bybuilding up an email list, as we’ve done over thepast couple of years, of trusted people who you give them value and now and there youcould sell and promote different affiliate are available to it. You could affiliate affiliatecontests and openings, which I’ll interpret in a few moments. But the thing that reallystops a lot of people from going into affiliatemarketing as rookies is either, A, they don’thave the money to be allocated to paid ads to get people to those offers.They don’t have their ownproduct to get precedes into to promote offers to. And, more importantly, they don’t have an existingemail index they built up to promote these things to, as well. In this video today, I’m gonna support you exactlyhow you have been able improve indices of thousands of publicemails from Instagram, within a matter of hours, that you could use to promoteyour offers and service is. To hammer home the spot ofjust how powerful this tool is, take a look right here inside of one of myWarriorPlus affiliate chronicles. We generated just over $6,000 in affiliate commissions employing nothing but the leadswe generated from this tool. Now, this just doesn’t workfor affiliate marketing, that’s the sample I’mgonna be using now. You guys can use this as a digital busines. You could target peopleonly in a regional area.Maybe you’re doingmarketing servicing of them, like a social media marketing thing. You could use this to build registers, to stir practice publics on Facebook Ads, if you’re running an eCommerce business. Basically, whatever you do online, this tool is very, very powerful, hitherto it’s also very dangerous. Let me say this beforewe jump onto my computer. I’ll demonstrate you how this is done. My advocates and myselfwould like to remind you that you need to be abiding by all the CANSPAM laws andregulations in your country because, unfortunately, weare in such a strange duration, where people were so wimpyand they get brought about by receiving emails or textbook andphone calls they don’t like, where they’ve cleared regulationsto stop some of these things.I’m mostly doing thisfor educational purposes, and you make this ability anddo with it what you will. Now, the first thing you need to do, or you’re not gonna makeany affiliate commissions, is smash the like button down below for the YouTube algorithm. Really cures out this path and it gets this contentto more people who need it, just like you. Okay, so here we are inside the software. Again, the link to thisis gonna be down below. I’m gonna be continuously updating it with whatever the latest software is that accomplishes this project. Now, the first thing we need to do is head over to find users.This is where we’re gonnafind the actual list of users to grind the email addresses from. Now, to get this list of users, we’re gonna head over to Instagram. Ooh, I can’t stand this chap. Now, let’s say you’re promoting some type of health and fitness offer. Maybe you wanna go outthere and you wanna promote meal programs or supplementsand substance like that. Then maybe you would targetsomewhat like Mr. Greg Doucette because, as you guys know onthis channel, we ever sell harder than last-place time. Harder than last-place day! So what I recommend you do, instead of just goingafter someone’s partisans, is procreating sure you havethe most committed parties on the accounting, whichis gonna be the people who are liking andcommenting on these photos.So what you wanna do is go to a photo that has a large amount of likes and a large amount of comments, and you wanna copy the link. Go back in the application, and we’re gonna choose the specific post, likes and commenters. So I’m gonna click on go. We’re gonna paste in theURL and click on submit. One other thing I do wanna mention too, before you follow a pole or you start scraping email from a customer, make sure you go into the likes, open up a couple of thesein the different invoices, and make sure they look likereal legitimate sketches. Because, as you guys know, a great deal of these large-hearted influencers, they buy fake adherents, but as it sounds now, Mr. Greg Doucette does have a decent amount ofreal parties on his profile.So, once you have that, as you can see, it’s gonna start collectinga list or a spreadsheet of all the people whohave liked that photo. Now, one immediate indicate, Iwanna throw in there.( dismay resounds) Boom. Wow, that was very convenient timing. After a while, Instagramis only gonna allow so many calls to theirAPI from your IP address. Now, thankfully, this is verysimple and free to go around. Maybe just go ahead and use the free VPN that they recommend inside of Chrome, but the one that I usepersonally is ProtonVPN, which is also free. So remember, people, anytimeyou’re doing anything on the internet where youdon’t wanna keep track, whether you’re buying and selling firearms, medications, artilleries, on thedark entanglement, material like that, this is the one that I recommend and use. So I previously have this installed. All you need to do is click on protect me. Boom, and just let thispage sit for a minute. It’s gonna automatically reload and then scrape all therest of those users. But, for the sake of example, I’m just gonna turn this off again.And we’re just gonna usethe 10,000 someodd users it’s already scraped. Now you can exactly download thepeople who liked the photo or time the people whocommented on the photo, but I recommend doing bothto get the best upshots. And, as “youre seeing”, it’s gonna download those intothe CSV spreadsheet documents. Now I’m on a Mac, so I’mgonna utilization Apple Numbers. If you’re on a PC, youcan use Microsoft Excel. If you’re good, you could use Google Docs, but make sure you have some type of tool to open these CSV spreadsheet files.So now what you wanna dobefore we touch these, is head over to the email extractor tool. So we’re gonna click onthis link right here. And this is where you wanna paste in the usernames of all those people that we just ground from those charts. So I’m gonna hop back over here. I’m gonna click on thefirst username here. I’m gonna ringlet the whole way down. A quick shortcut is if you holdShift+ Click the last one, it’ll select everything in between. So I’m gonna go copy.I’m gonna paste those working in. So this’ll be who liked his affix. We’ll go to the other spreadsheet and follow everyone whocommented on that post. Go to duplicate again. We’llpaste those working in here. And all you need to do is click on submit. Now you could actually namethese different sets of users. So let’s say you’re scrapingthe same person multiple times. What I recommend doing is labeling them, let’s say, Greg1, and thenyou could do two, three, etc. I’m gonna click on set. And now, in this section, it’s gonna allow you toselect the actual information that you wanna scrape from that account.So, as you can see, there’s a lot ofinformation that I can gather. Plainly we want the public email, and you could also scrape telephone number. Now, speaking of phone numbers, you guys may have discover my last-place video where I established you how to use a free tool to mail thousands ofpersonalized iMessages to parties from a contact list like this. Now, again, I’m nottelling you to do anything. I’m not insinuating anything. Do with this information what you will. Now one thing to keep in mind is every one of theseboxes you have checked, it’s gonna make thetool a little longer to rake that information, so make sure you’re onlychecking off the boxes that you absolutely need.So I’m gonna establish you guysexactly what I leave on and what I turn off. And I’m gonna explain whyin just a second now. Number one, I ever leave on if the detail is private or not. We don’t wanna download any intelligence from private chronicles. Those beings are psychotic. They’re already bury all their stuff, so their email is not gonna be public. It’s just gonna be a waste of time. I leave the post count andfollower count on, as well. And plainly selfexplanatory, we wanna make sure that theyhave a public email address.And, once you guys have that setup, we’re gonna click on next, and you’re essentially good to go. All you guys actually needto do is let this tool run. Depending on how manyusernames were in your register, let’s say this was about 10,000, you may wanna give thisrun for a couple of hours. As you can see, it’sjust gonna do its thing. It’s gonna collect all the factors, and it will show you how many emails it’s found in that list. I like to downloadinformation from details that have less than 50,000 adherents. This ensures we’re notdownloading any information from vast influencers or gargantuan firebrands who aren’t gonna beinterested in our offerings. Now, is there an email available? Absolutely. We wanna make sure we’re only downloading ones with email addresses. Is the accounting private? Like I said before, wewanna check that off to no. And I always like to setposts larger than nine. Unless someone has thatfull first page of photos filled out on their chart, they’re probably either not active or they’re not a real account, so that’s just another way to make sure you’re filtering only active users.As you can see, it’s found3 1 emails at this item, and that’s only gonnafilter out got a couple of them. As you can see, theseare the official numerals that you’re gonnadownload claim down now. Now, guys, that is essentially it. All you need to do islet this tool run now. And, by the way, you could do this, open it up again in several invoices and grind numerou customers at once.Maybe cause this run overnight. By the acces, you do need to make sure you leave your computer on or make sure you disable standby mode and merely fastening your computer because your computerdoes need to be active while this tool is running. It is a web app, butit’s technically running in your Chrome browser as an extension. Just make sure your computer is on until it’s completed the entire process. Okay, so I make this runfor a couple of hours and we’ve alreadyextracted 180 plus emails from that index that we glued in. Now, again, preferably, you’re gonna cause this run for at least a couple ofhours, maybe even an overnight, to make sure you extract all those beautiful, beautiful emails from those Instagram profiles. That beautiful resonate of cold, hard cash. That beautiful, beautiful sound.Nickles, nickles, nickles. But, formerly you’re ready to export them, all you need to do is scroll down here and click on download conditional data. Conditional data only necessitates it’s not gonna downloadabsolutely everything. It’s only gonna download the posts with the information that youstipulated up now earlier.So I’m gonna click ondownload conditional data, and let’s take a look at what we got here. As you can see, we have the username, full appoint, adherent count, public email, and all this otherinformation that we sought, but all we’re really interestedin is the email address. Now you’re probably wondering, Well, Matt, why don’tI wanna keep the mentions? If I really upload theseinto my autoresponder tool, or whatever you’re gonna do with them, I could personalize all my emails. I could keep,’ Hey, given name ,’ and I could use all this conditional data and all this stuff. The thing is, people use really strange and ostentatious, interestingnames on Instagram, as you could see right here.Let’s say you were gonna send some kind of automated emailto this person right here. The email would say, Hey, sunshine emoji, arrow emoji seat sunshine Joe’s actions … You investigate what I make? So sometimes those aren’treally that useful, but you can’t keep themin now just in case. So what you need to do nowto make this usable to, let’s say, import into sometype of email marketing tool, all you need to do is go up now and exactly eliminating the rows of information that aren’t really necessary. I’m just gonna is moving forward, select all of these, and delete them. Once you’ve done that, you wanna export this fileas a regular CSV file. I’m gonna go my desktop right here, and let’s save it rightalongside these files.I’m gonna click on export. So congratulations. If you guys did all thisproperly, you now have a list of potentially thousandsof public mailing address from specific and activeusers on Instagram who maybe wanna buy yourproducts and services. Now let’s say you were totake this list of guides and upload it to an autoresponder, like Aweber, ConvertKit, Sendlane, something like that, to promote affiliate offers. If you were gonna do that, not saying to do that, right? What I recommend you guys do if you wanna do this for the longterm is make sure you are properly, let’s say, warming up those produces. You wanna start sendingthem free, precious content before you start justpromoting different things. So let’s say we’re doing thehealth and fitness niche again. Send them some weight loss gratuities. Send them a free bodybuilding usher. Give them a free ebook. something like that toliterally train them, to want to open your emails because you’re givingaway valuable material. Then, formerly you’re ready tofinally send them an volunteer and connect an affiliate launching for a produce to get commissions, they’re already gonna be trained.They’re already gonna trust you. And they’re gonna learnto open up your emails because there’s a lot ofdifferent moving personas behind the scenes. Maybe we’ll get moreadvanced in a future video, but there’s things that stop you from going in the spam folder. Your domain name can get blacklisted. All these kinds of thingsyou wanna be careful about, which you guys can experiment on your own. If you were to do something like that, make sure you’re warming them up, putting them in a string of emails that’s actually to give themvalue before you promote. So appreciate, value, pitchis the ordinary format. So time crave you guysto keep that in intellect. Now we’re gonna hop-skip back on my computer because I want to show you guys exactly how to findwinning affiliate offers and some winning waysto really promote those to make sure you get thebest results and, hopefully, manufacture the most amount ofmoney you possibly can.Let’s go ahead, Hop back on my computer one last go, and I wanna explain a couple of things. Now, exactly to hammer home, the station of just howpowerful affiliate marketing, email marketing, and usingtools like this really is, take a look at only one of myWarriorPlus affiliate chronicles for the last seven daysin this offer I promoted where I stimulated simply over $6,000 precisely by sending out a couple of simpleemails every day. You guys can also seesome of the stats now. We built 216 sales. It got about a 6% median transition proportion, which isn’t too bad. All that really meansis, for every 100 people I sent to this offer from my email register, about 6% of those peoplepurchase the product.And it had an EPC of a $1.10. Now, what that conveys is, every sound that I sentto this offer, on average, I would make a return of $1.10. So these are just someof the important stats you guys want to keep in mind when you’re going intothe affiliate space, and why I want to show you this? If you guys wanna go out there and start detect winningaffiliate furnishes of your own, the first place I recommend you go to is a website called ClickBank.ClickBank is the world’slargest affiliate marketplace for digital and some physical produces. As you guys can be found in, overon the left hand side, you can mostly find presents in any niche that you guys are promotingfrom travel to athletics, to making money online, tobusiness, to state furnishes, and anything you really imagine. So let’s say, again, for the sake of example, we’re gonna promote ahealth and fitness present. I’m just gonna click on that, and it’s gonna show you all the surface health andfitness presents on ClickBank, on average how much you procreate per auction, and all those same stats Iwas telling you guys before. So you can really read whatthe details of this offer are before you promote it. Now, apparently, you can just go ahead and click on the offer.It’s gonna open up their website so you can see what it watches … This is obviously some kind of supplement, but you guys could sell different, like fitness coachingproducts, banquet project things, all that kind of stuff. But, even more importantly, the thing you guys wannalook for is the affiliate, or sometimes you hear itreferred to as, the JV page. What I’m gonna employment as two examples for a marketing JV page is this concoction from my crony AdeelChaudhary announced Sqribble.It’s an ebook founder. I actually made around3 2 magnificent in commissionings from promoting this not too long ago. And here’s what a standardJV page is gonna definitely sounds like. It’s gonna have all yourinformation about the offer, and you’re likewise gonna see that they are gonna includepromotional materials for you. The main thing you’re gonnalook for is your email swipes. Email swipes are basically email templates that are pretested andprewritten to convert when you forward them out to your leads.So you can time copy andpaste these subject fronts, imitate and glue these emails, slip your affiliate attach, instead of time a placeholder right here, maybe customize them a little, supplemented your own personality toit, and you’re good to go. So a lot of these affiliate marketers chaps are gonna do a great deal of the work for you. Now, one thing you guysreally need to understand to make sure you’re maximizingthe profits you’re getting from promoting these offersis you need to be sounding up and leveraging affiliate rivalry. Now one affiliate race is, during the first initiallaunch period of a product, often around seven daysfrom when it’s exhausted. There is gonna be a sales contest and/ or a cause tournament for that offering. Again, all that informationis gonna be in the JV page. The dealer is gonnaexplain all that to you.And, mostly, all thatmeans is the affiliate who sell the most of the product or drive the most leads to the product, like the ones we’ve just been collecting, get a bonus commission, sometimes upwards of $ 50,000. If you guys, hopefully, youtake this down the road, you come back in a pair years, and you’re what we call a super affiliate. And you’re joining these massive propels. You get upwards of like $50,000 in honours. Let’s say some of these openings and these affiliate gives thatwe promote in our business, sure, sometimes we’ll get like2 0, $30,000 in boards, but we’ll get a bonusof 20, $30,000 sometimes because we play so highin the sales leaderboard. So, again, look upon the JV pages and make sure you’rereally leveraging those. And there’s other kindof substance I can get into. Guys, again, commentdown below if you want me to show you guys moreaffiliate marketing stuff because it is something wehave a lot of expertise in, in addition to providing eCommerce.But, in conclusion, I genuinely hope you guys aregonna find this valuable, and this starts youraffiliate marketing tour so you can startgenerating these one, two, perhaps upwards of $ 500 a date commissions pretty damn quickly applying this software, which again, by the way, the link to get this is gonna be down below in the description. It directs right insideof your Chrome browser. It doesn’t matter whatkind of computer you have. I know, at the time recording this, they do have a sale that’s ongoing, so make sure you go and grab that. Make sure you get locked in and use this super powerfultool to really supercharge any kind of online business you have, whether it’s affiliate commerce, promoting your eCommerce makes, promoting your agencyservices, whatever it is.And I actually hope this starts you on your affiliate marketingjourney, which by the way, deter me modernized downin the comments below. I try to answer as manyquestions as I maybe can. We only wanna mentionsomething about the video. You have a question, whateverit is, just let me know. And, also, clink subscribeto see more videos like this, but most importantly, click the notification bell because that’s gonna let you get apprise when I do my live streams. We do these crazy sixhourlive business building torrents, or I’ll do a Q& A thing totry and help you guys out. So make sure you click thenotification buzzer, as well. My name has been Matthew Sabia. I hope you guys experienced this video, and I will talk to you next time ..

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Make More Money with Affiliate Marketing 2020 | 6 Hacks

( light music) More often than not, affiliate purveyors, especially those whoare just starting out, are looking for ways to increase traffic instead of focusing onwhat they already have and getting more out of it. Did you know that acquiring a new client can expense five times more than retaining an existing customer? If you will increase retention precisely by 5 %, you will increase yourprofit by at least 25%. In some cases, even up to 95%. The success rate of sellingto an existing customer is much higher than selling to a brand-new one.My specify is Vitaliy and welcome to the AffiliateMarketing Hacks series now on NicheHacks YouTube channel, where we teach beings like you to become financially independent by construct a sustainable income online. Today I wanna talk to you about six spoofs on how to sell more through your website, or how to proselytize more their customers and how to retain more of them. Hacks that you can implementtoday to start obligating style more. I are currently in affiliatemarketing since 2009 and concluded my share ofmistakes along the way. At the very beginning, I focusedon engendering more traffic instead of working withmy existing traffic. Now is a great example. I was producing leadsthrough Google AdWords and I was expending hundredsof thousands a month.I was productive byselling my leads-in immediately to buyers through affiliate systems. I made around 15 to 20% in gain and was looking for optionsto grow my incoming traffic instead of focusing on hundredsof thousands of patrons that I already had inthe form of an email. Eventually, networks trimmed revenue share and started to pay lessby around 25% on average, and I started losing money. This produce me look into options and with the assistance of my future collaborator, I immediately realized that we could make way more coin through email marketing. We lowered our incomingvolume by about 10 experiences and changed our benefits bymore than five times. This was crazy and mindblowingfor us at that time. If you’re making moneythrough affiliate commerce, and doing nothing to build an audience and not working on retention, you’re leaving tons of fund on the table.If you’re going to implementat least some of the hacks that I will share with you today, you’re going to start acquiring channel more. Are you ready? Let’s get started then. And hack number 1, don’t mail traffic directlyto affiliate proposals. Never, listen, never mail traffic immediately to affiliate furnishes, even if you will makemore money by doing so. Let me explain why. When you cast trafficstraight to the offer, you lose that patron. You may have profitable campaigns, but you’re losing the opportunity to work with that patron in the future. Remember what I said in thebeginning of this video? It expensed up to five timesmore to acquire a new purchaser than to retain an existing client. It be interpreted to mean that if you, forexample, is spend 10 horses on each auction or leadto acquire that patient, you would spend two bucks justto convert the same client over and over in the future. And if you’re making, forexample, 12 horses on average and preserving precisely two bucks from each sale, that’s your benefit, byconverting existing purchaser, you would save 10 bucksfrom all future sales.Do you identify the difference? Of trend , not all ofthe clients will alter in the future but if youwill improve your audience and you will carefully workwith them by providing value and proselytizing them at the appropriate time by recommending enormous volunteers, you will be able to make a fortune. Hack number two, sendtraffic to a platform sheet and use A/ B assessments. There are many tricks that you can use for converting traffic, and only one of them is a landing page. Many still don’t understandwhat a land page is, reckoning it’s just a website. Technically it is a website, but the arrival page issomething much more narrow than only an internet site. A arrival sheet is a singlepage website. A arrival sheet has just one goal, which is to convert yourvisitors into auctions or pass. The part content on the pageshould have just one goal, to proselytize that guest. Some say long landing pageswork better than short, and some say the opposite. From my experience, itdepends on the niche. I would ever test long versus short and see which one converts better for you.I would also test picture versus video. I would experiment many differentheadlines, descriptions, and call to actions. The best A/ B testing tool, in my opinion, is VWO.com. Easy to use, simple to createtests, and track makes. Measure one aspect at a time. If you run multiple, you may ruin your exams because you won’t know for sure what exactly feigned the result. I would start with aheadline, then research CTA, maybe then likenes or video, then everything else. If you’re doing precede contemporary, I would also test the form. Option one would be to haveone field on the disembark page and research that with the pagewhere you have no field, precisely the button. In my experience, the best way is to start with one discipline, which is, email.Then go to the next step, andeven if you lose that pilgrim, “youve had” their emailand can bring them back. This is where you can use my next hacker. Hack number three, abuse email automation. Email automation is one of the best ways to work with your possible clients. Any kind of automation is great, right? You’re sleeping, andemail marketing application is working nonstop toconvert patrons for you, symbolizing you’re makingmoney while sleeping. It sounds like a dream, butthis is a simple reality.Not even close to rocket science. So, as I said in my first hack, never transmit traffic directlyto someone’s affiliate volunteer. Ever made it through your bring sheet or something that will helpyou to collect their emails. Use that email to engagewith your potential consumers through email automation. First, you should build automation for your market campaigns, to warm up the audience for the first time and to convert them to youroffer on the later stage. I would do five to seven emails that will go out within seven days. In the first three or four emails, I would focus on real value. Deliver that cost, assisted them. Then, if you do cycles of seven emails, I would represent soft slope aroundmaybe fourth or fifth email. Then ply another fragment of value and make a hard auction on the seventh. If they didn’t convert, I will do another one ortwo emails with promotions, the present working if you can get some sort of promotional proposal fromyour affiliate partner.If not, I would find somethingthat has the best match and try to convert them to asimilar product or service. If they don’t convert, I would contribute them to a separate segment. And this is when my nexthack comes in handy. Hack number four, develop segments, and provision significance, and amplification cartel. If your consumer didn’t alter, it doesn’t mean that hewon’t convert in the future. I can tell you if yourclient “ve given you” his email in the first place, of course, if you did a good job with your messaging, this means that he isinterested in the solution for his difficulty, right? I would invest in this segment, in those possible purchasers, by providing more value to them. You can provide value by referring them good textcontent inside the email. You can create videos and transport those visitorsoutside of the email. To your YouTube channel, maybe Facebook group, or Instagram page and provide more value throughyour social media channels.And you can originate themsubscribe to your blog or to your paths if you have them, and if you don’t, you should start one. This method, you’re going tostart building such relationships with your clients around yourname or around your firebrand. Build trust, specify price to build guilt. Then, as Gary Vaynerchuk says, steal them or proselytize them. If you didn’t speak Gary’sbook Jab, Jab, Jab, Hook I genuinely recommend you to read it. By building a long termrelationship with their patient, you should create a lotof opportunity to sell, and you should use thoseopportunities, but be careful.It takes a lot of time to gain trust. But you can make one simplemistake to lose that patient and kill “the two countries relations”. People trust people morethan they trust firebrands. This is why it’s a good idea to build personal relationships. YouTube is one of thebest tools to do that, it’s a great way to engagewith your potential their customers and with your currentclients and to proselytize them. Why? Because on YouTube, you can build a terribly, very tight relationship, like personal relationships with your audience. They rely you and willfollow your advice. Hack number five, apply quizzesto build an email schedule. Another huge spoof is touse quizzes on your website.Usually, quizzes workbest on a arrival sheet that was improved just for quiz. A marketing expedition shouldalso concentrating on the quiz. Quizzes are best whenthey furnish real value, for example, you areoffering people to identify areas if they are capable of something, or if they can figure something out, or if they are smarterthan a fifth grader. I’m sure you’ve seen countless quizzes and went through some of them. I’ve heard some of thequizzes have shift charges as high as 80%. This is very high. I’ve never done these. But 20 to 50% shift proportion would be a realistic target to stumbled. Start with thinking aboutwhat kind of quiz could work for your possible patron. If, for example, you want to promote aproduct around weight loss, focus on something theystruggle with, a common issue.Everyone knows how to lose weight, there is no lack of information. But they don’t have the subject to follow that intelligence. So one of the ideasfor your quiz could be, Do you know weight loss does and don’ts? Create your own crazy meanings. Force yourself to make1 0 ideas in 10 hours. Then pick two or maybe three, do research, and appoint quizs usinga implement like Typeform.com or another quiz software. Make sure, that at the end, you don’t reveal the results and instead ask them for an email so you can email them their quiz results.Connect your email marketingsoftware to Typeform and automate the whole process. If you don’t know how to do that, Google and YouTube aregreat beginnings to help you. And hack numeral six, sellthrough your blog poles. This is my last-place spoof for today’s video. There are many more spoofs thatI will share in the future so make sure you subscribe to this channel and press that bell buttonif you’re interested in affiliate sell andwant to learn hacks and manoeuvres. I’m going to share one affiliatemarketing hack every week. Now, let’s talk about our last spoof. Now is how it creations. You write a good blog postwith a good amount of value. If you’re sellingsomething for weight loss, for example, write a good blog affix about maybe probably a stepbystepinstruction on how to lose weight in six months. Give them real value. But then, at the end of the blog, you should speak about your proposal, spawn CTA, call to action.Let’s say it’s a course. Speak about this course ina way that’s not salesy. For lesson, you can say, not everyone has discipline to taking any decision for six months straight, but this course will help you to solve your disciplineissues by doing this and that. You get the idea. Then you create an ad on Facebookthat says something like, learn how to lose weight in 10 easy gradations and cast that traffic to your blog affix. Then, this is a bonus hack. You computed a retargetingpixel to your blog post and show them ads of youroffer if they didn’t convert.This is not hard to set up but it will take time to figure out. Okay, that’s all for today. I hope you learned something beneficial. If you did, shattering that like button. And implement that hacker today, don’t wait’ til tomorrow. Take action now! That’s the best thing you can do. Taking any decision and improvewhat you have today. That’s it. See you in my next video.( light music ).

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Miniѕtrу Of Frееdоm Rеviеw
Wеlсоmе to mу Ministry оf Frееdоm rеviеw, whеrе i’ll show уоu аbѕоlutеlу EVERYTHING уоu nееd tо knоw аbоut Jоnо Armѕtrоng’ѕ flаgѕhiр product.

Thiѕ is going to bе an extremely in-depth writtеn review, if уоu only wаnt tо hеаr еxасtlу what уоu’ll gеt in this product аnd nоthing else, mу video review thаt I hаvе a bit dоwn on this page will be more “tо the роint” so fееl frее tо juѕt wаtсh thаt if уоu dоn’t want to read аrоund 2800 words!

Before I mоvе оn, fоr full diѕсlоѕurе, I need tо mеntiоn thiѕ:
I dо the ѕuрроrt fоr thiѕ рrоduсt, ѕо in a wау I guess уоu could саll me biased, or if уоu choose tо lооk аt it thе wау thаt I see it..No оnе еxсерt Jоnо himѕеlf hаѕ more insight аnd knowledge about whаt MOF асtuаllу iѕ, ѕо if уоu wаnt thе most in-depth dеѕсriрtiоn, mу rеviеw will hаndѕ dоwn be thе mоѕt dеtаilеd one аbоut MOF уоu’ll ever read.

I will аlѕо give уоu ѕоmе crazy bоnuѕеѕ that nо оnе еlѕе can offer if уоu сhооѕе tо рiсk thiѕ uр frоm mу link. Thе bоnuѕеѕ will be rеvеаlеd tоwаrdѕ the end оf this review, make ѕurе уоu don’t miѕѕ thеm.
(Unlеѕѕ уоu’vе аlrеаdу рiсkеd thiѕ uр, in thаt саѕе, dоn’t ѕсrоll down because you will probably gеt a littlе upset whеn you ѕее whаt уоu missed оut оn)

My official titlе iѕ ‘Cuѕtоmеr Success Agеnt’ whiсh in ѕhоrt mеаnѕ..I do livе webinars twiсе a wееk at Thurѕdауѕ аnd Sundауѕ аt 1pm EST, whеrе уоu can hор on and ask mе ԛuеѕtiоnѕ livе!

I’m also available in thе vеrу active Fасеbооk grоuр that уоu will get ассеѕѕ to whеn уоu join MOF, and ѕо is Jоnо аnd оthеr people frоm the ѕuрроrt tеаm.

Alright, enough сhit сhаt:

Jono has launched a lоt of рrоduсtѕ, аnd thiѕ is bу fаr thе bеѕt соurѕе hе hаѕ ever сrеаtеd.

In fact, this iѕ mоѕt likеlу thе bеѕt course anyone in thiѕ niche hаѕ еvеr lаunсhеd.

It wоuld bе аn inѕult tо ѕау thаt this course iѕ “аn а-z соurѕе where Jоnо ѕhоwѕ you everything уоu nееd tо dо” because the truth is, not оnlу will hе dо juѕt that, but hе’ѕ аlѕо gоing tо do a lot of things fоr уоu.

Likе whаt, уоu аѕk?

Wаtсh thе FREE training it will еxрlаin whу Jono Armstrong’s Miniѕtrу of Frееdоm is one оf thе biggеѕt no-brainers оf аll timе.!

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